Main Subjects = Bioinformatics
Identification of functional pathways and key genes effective in response to nitrogen deficiency stress in rice

Volume 14, Issue 1, October 2024, Pages 29-43


Shayan Kazemi-Lifshagerd; Atefeh Sabouri; Zahra Pezeshkian; Mohammad Mehdi Sohani

Comparative analysis of secondary metabolite clusters synteny in eleven Oryza species and three related species

Volume 14, Issue 1, October 2024, Pages 123-134


Sahand Sasani; Sajad Rashidi Monfared; Danial Kahrizi; Masoumeh Khanahmadi

Identification and characterization of miRNAs in various Thymus species

Volume 13, Issue 1, March 2024, Pages 1-10


Aboozar Soorni; Sepehr Meratian Esfahani; Badraldin Ebrahim Sayed-Tabatabaei

Genome-wide bioinformatic analysis of MYB gene family in monocotyledons and dicotyledons

Volume 13, Issue 2, December 2023, Pages 13-29


Sara Dezhsetan; Parivash Nezami Anbaran; Mahdi Behnamian

Bioinformatics study of reverse transcriptase sequence in viruses

Volume 13, Issue 2, December 2023, Pages 45-52


Samira Karimi; Mahin Pouresmaeil

In Silico Analysis of Sucrose: Froctan 6- Froctose Transferase Gene in Triticum aestivum L.

Volume 11, Issue 4, September 2023, Pages 97-114


Masoumeh Fallah Ziarani; Mehdi Safaeizadeh

Gene network analysis and finding key genes involved in response to different bacterial strains in tomato

Volume 12, Issue 4, July 2023, Pages 49-61


Seyyed Mohsen Sohrabi; Ali Akbarabadi; Kamran Samiei; Anahita Panji

Bioinformatic Investigation of Protein Stability (SQS) in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

Volume 12, Issue 3, May 2023, Pages 1-9


Maryam Mehdizadeh hakkak; Masoud Tohidfar; Mohammad Hossein Mirjalili

Study of a functional pathway of miRNAs target genes in response to drought ant salt stresses in canola

Volume 12, Issue 1, November 2022, Pages 15-36


Mohammad Mohsenzadeh Golfazani; Alireza Tarang; Ramin Seighalani

An investigation of the protein phosphatase 2C (AlPP2C) gene family in halophile plant, Aeluropus littoralis

Volume 12, Issue 1, November 2022, Pages 37-53


Seyyed Hamidreza Hashemi-petroudi; Samira Mohammadi; Esmaeil Bakhshandeh; Markus Kuhlmann

Comparative study of CCCH Zinc finger gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana and rice

Volume 12, Issue 1, November 2022, Pages 85-107


Parisa Ramezanpoor; Hamid Najafi Zarini; Hamidreza Hashemi; Gholamali Ranjbar

De novo transcriptome assembly and conserved microRNAs identification of medicinal plant, Kelussia odoratissima Mozaff.

Volume 11, Issue 3, June 2022, Pages 55-76


Maryam Ramezani; Farhad Nazarian-Firouzabadi; Ahmad Ismaili; Seyed Sajad Sohrabi

Identification of miRNAs and their target genes in Trachyspermum ammi

Volume 11, Issue 2, March 2022, Pages 1-15


Alireza Payriz; Leila Nejadsadeghi; Daryoosh Nabati Ahmadi

Bioinformatics analysis of CBL gene family members in Sesamum indicum under drought stress

Volume 11, Issue 2, March 2022, Pages 17-31


Mozhdeh Arab; Seyed Kamal Kazemitabar; Seyyed Hamidreza Hashemi-petroudi