In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Biotechnology Society

Peer Review Process

a) After the author registers and submits their manuscript to the system, it will first be reviewed by the journal's staff for adherence to the submission guidelines (within one week). To expedite the review process, please carefully read the "Author Guidelines" and ensure your manuscript is formatted according to the system's guidelines before submission.

b) If the manuscript passes the initial check, it will undergo a preliminary evaluation by the Editor-in-Chief, the Associate Editor, and the Editorial Board for content quality and relevance. This stage takes approximately two weeks.

c) If the manuscript is accepted at the preliminary stage, it will be sent to peer reviewers. The review process requires a minimum of two reviewers' opinions and proceeds as follows:

  1. If both reviewers reject the manuscript, it will be rejected.
  2. If one reviewer recommends major revisions and the other rejects the manuscript, it will be rejected.
  3. If both reviewers recommend major or minor revisions, the manuscript will be returned to the author for revisions.
  4. If one reviewer recommends minor revisions and the other rejects the manuscript, it will be sent to a third reviewer, or a decision will be made based on the third reviewer's opinion and considering the first reviewer's comments.

d) Once the author revises the manuscript based on the reviewers' comments and resubmits it, it will be sent to one of the reviewers for comparative evaluation.

e) Weekly reminder emails are sent to reviewers. If a reviewer fails to provide their review within a month, the manuscript will be reassigned to a new reviewer. Depending on the requested revisions and the responsiveness and accuracy of the authors in implementing these revisions, the acceptance process for the journal typically takes about four months (if finally approved by the reviewers).