In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Biotechnology Society

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran.

2 َAssociate Professor, Department of Genomics, Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute of Iran (ABRII), Karaj, Iran.


Water shortage is one of the most important environmental factors in limiting plant production worldwide. Molecular breeding may help to develop drought tolerant plants. Proteomics approach can help in comprehensive analysis of stress responsive genes and identification of drought signaling pathways. These drought tolerance candidate genes or their regulatory genes may be further analyzed for their possible implication in increase plant tolerance to drought stress. In this studied we analyzed the changes in proteome of wheat flag leaf in response to drought. We compared a drought tolerant with drought susceptible genotypes under normal and stress well-watered and stress conditions. Stressed plants were exposed to 50% field capacity before anthesis. Out of 900 proteins analyzed across two dimensional gels, 57 protein spots showed significant differences in response to stress. Of these, 42 protein spots could be identified using mass spectrometry analysis. Differentially expressed proteins and enzymes could be grouped in different functional groups. Our results showed that tolerant genotype may use various mechanisms particularly the up-regulation of genes involved in oxidative stress defense in flag leaf. This may help the tolerant genotypes to better remove reactive oxygen species generate by stress in flag leaf and maintain its physiological and photosynthetic activities.


Main Subjects

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