In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Biotechnology Society

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Biotechnology and Plant Breeding, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology and Plant Breeding, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Genetics and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute of Tabarestan (GABIT), Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran.

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Science, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran.


Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is a nutritionally and medicinally important oilseed crop that environmental stresses limit its yield potential. Ethylene-responsive factor (ERF) is one of the largest transcription factor families that play key roles in regulating plant response to abiotic stress. In the current study, a total of 113 ERF genes were identified from the sesame genome and they were divided into two subfamilies including, 46 dehydration-responsive element-binding (DREB) members, and 67 ERF members. Phylogenetic relationships, physicochemical properties of proteins, structural properties of genes, and conserved amino acid motifs in the sesame ERF family were analyzed. Then, the expression profile of sesame ERF genes in various tissues as well as under environmental stresses was investigated. Overall, several genes of the ERF Family were expressed noticeably in different sesame tissues, especially in roots, capsules, and flowers. Expression profiles also showed that RAP2.2L, PTI6, ERF017L, and ERF096 genes were strongly induced by drought, osmotic, salinity, and waterlogging stresses, respectively. Moreover, the qPCR results showed that the relative expression of the ERF061L gene was higher in the sesame tolerant genotype compared to the susceptible one under drought conditions. This study provides important data for understanding the evolution and functions of the ERF family in sesame that can be used in future breeding programs for abiotic stresses tolerance.


Main Subjects

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