In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Biotechnology Society

Document Type : Research Paper



Salinity, predominantly NaCl, limits plant growth and impairs agricultural productivity. In ‎higher plants, Na+ efflux and compartmentalization are achieved by Na+/H+ antiporters ‎located in both the plasma and vacuolar membranes. Here we investigated the expression ‎pattern of the genes AlNHX and AlSOS1 under 250 mM NaCl treatment after 6h and 1, 3, 8 ‎and 17 days time intervals by Real Time-PCR technique. The transcript levels of AlNHX and ‎al AlSOS1 were up-regulated by salt stress in all tissues. The AlSOS1 expression remarkably ‎increased in leaves after 6 h and the AlNHX transcript abundance reached to the maximum ‎level after 24 h. In node and internode tissues the transcript levels of AlNHX and AlSOS1 ‎increased sharply 24 h after salt treatment and then gradually decreased within 3 and 8 days ‎and finally after 17 days reached to a steady-state in which the mRNA content was similar to ‎that of control plants. The transcript abundance of both genes in roots slightly increased Upon ‎salt treatment and after 3 days reached to their maximum levels and this expression continued ‎until 8 days and then decreased to a basal expression similar to control for AlNHX gene but in ‎AlSOS1 decreased to reach a new steady-state in which the mRNA content was about 2-fold ‎that of control plants.‎


Main Subjects

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